Rank: 6316 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 1069030
Typ: game
Entwickler: Denis|Ry
Publisher: Mesote Games
Plattformen: Windows Mac Linux
Release Date: 2023-07-12

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 310 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 312
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 1 / 60

Aktueller Preis: 19.99€
Niedrigster Preis: 9.4€

249 Spieler*
3 Spieler online

Very Positive
89% Positive Reviews
739 Positive Reviews
92 Negative Reviews

EarthX is a rocket company management game. Go from launching small rockets on Earth to eventually building a colony on Mars. Create your own Internet constellation, develop new technologies, supply the International Space Station and terraform Mars!

60 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Launch You Up Reach Orbit 17 48.6%
2 Hats 13 38.2%
3 Amateur Launch 25 rockets. 14 37%
4 Orbital Potato 12 36.7%
5 Tintin Launch the first 2 test-satellites of your own internet constellation. 12 34.4%
6 Not a Flamethrower 12 33.5%
7 Bricks 11 32%
8 Rideshare Launch 4 payloads at once 13 31%
9 Startup Launch 100 rockets. 10 30.7%
10 Supplier Supply ISS for 3 times! 12 30.5%
11 Missed Again! Lose 3 Fairings in the Water 9 28%
12 The falling Bag of Money Catch 3 Fairings 9 27.8%
13 Economy Reuse 100 rockets. 8 26.9%
14 %%% 8 26.9%
15 Reusability Master Land with 100 rockets. 8 26.8%
16 Made on Earth by Humans 9 26.6%
17 LinkLink Launch 1000 LinkLink satellites. 6 25.6%
18 Big F*cking Rocket Launch a Spaceship 6 25.2%
19 A Mysterious Payload Launch a technician to the ISS with a cargo capsule. 6 24.6%
20 Short Shorts 6 24.5%
21 Meow Launch a cat to the ISS 8 24.4%
22 Rideshare Plus Launch 10 payloads at once 6 23.3%
23 Colony Land on Mars. 5 21.9%
24 Being Serious Launch 500 rockets. 5 21.7%
25 Of Course I Still Love You Land with 500 rockets 5 18.2%
26 City First people on Mars. 5 16.3%
27 Demand Get 25 000 000 users in LinkLink. 5 16%
28 Gigaproduction Build 10 Gigafactories 5 15.6%
29 Home 2.0 Terraform Mars. 5 14%
30 I know what I'm doing Launch 1000 rockets. 3 13.5%
31 Richness in your blood I feel Make $1 billion a year from your own internet constellation. 4 12.3%
32 Mmm.. Still hot! 1 11.2%
33 Cheesy 4 11%
34 Zero-G Indicator 6 11%
35 Without Interest Launch a payload for free 2 5.9%
36 Bad Guy Explode 50 rockets during the flight 2 5%
37 How dare you?! Build 50 factories. 2 5%
38 Are you okay? Launch 5000 rockets. 1 4.3%
39 Fanboy #1 2 3.9%
40 EarthX Creator is a Nerd 2 3.5%
41 Adrian 2 3.4%
42 No. Launch 42 069 rockets 1 3.4%
43 Jeff Who? 2 3.2%
44 Elon 2.0? 2 3%
45 Young Relative of Space 2 3%
46 Norminal 2 3%
47 Air Launch Pads 3 3%
48 American astronauts on American rockets from American soil 2 3%
49 King of Carbon Fiber Rockets 2 3%
50 The Gender does not Count 2 3%
51 Sniper 2 3%
52 "The Falcon Heavy may some day come about. SLS is real." 2 3%
53 Virgin Boi 2 3%
54 Deep Space Explorers 2 2.9%
55 Indicator 2 2.8%
56 "Every time we get a chance to get ahead they move the finish line. Every time." Name your CEO "Mary". 1 2.6%
57 For rockets and the people behind them. Name your CEO "Morgan". 1 2.6%
58 Expedition 67 Name your CEO "Kayla". 1 2.5%
59 Trampoline 0 1.9%
60 Earth + Saturn = Saturth 0 0%