Night of the Dead
Rank: 3207 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 1377380
Typ: game
Entwickler: Jackto Studios
Publisher: Jackto Studios
Plattformen: Windows
Release Date: 2024-05-31

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 909 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 615
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 7 / 82

Aktueller Preis: 28.99€
Niedrigster Preis: 12.59€

88 Spieler*
1039 Spieler online

Mostly Positive
79% Positive Reviews
8357 Positive Reviews
2272 Negative Reviews

'Night of the Dead' is an open-world game that combines elements of exploration, tower defense, survival, and crafting. Traverse a world dominated by zombies while collecting various resources and powerful equipment. Build a fortress to survive the hordes of zombies that swarm every night!

82 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 I just wanna peace Kill 5 zombies 38 66%
2 Your're doing great The first death 31 57.9%
3 A tons of paper Cut down 10 trees 33 57.5%
4 What has to be done, has to be done Kill your first animal 34 57.2%
5 First Night Survive 1 day 33 56.9%
6 Awakening 39 56.4%
7 Camping Place a sleeping bag 33 53.9%
8 Blacksmith Craft 5 equipment 21 41.4%
9 Anyone can cook Cook 5 foods 22 41.3%
10 Junk Food Consume 11 energy bars 24 40%
11 Greedy Consume 50 foods 19 36.7%
12 Home ownership Build 100 times 21 33.2%
13 Housekeeper Build 10 melee traps 17 32%
14 Marathoner Move 26.2miles 17 28.4%
15 Yes, Chef! Cook 30 foods 16 27.3%
16 Shelter 20 25.6%
17 Precious! Build 10 storage boxes 12 23.5%
18 Prometheus Craft a torch 8 22%
19 Survival Survive 10 days 6 21.8%
20 Dungeon 17 19.7%
21 Berserker Kill 1000 zombies 7 18.1%
22 Artisan Upgrade equipment 30 times 6 16.3%
23 Home sweet home Place a bed 11 15.5%
24 Radar 12 15.4%
25 Rest 14 15%
26 First Blood Kill 1 other player 10 13.6%
27 Encounter 12 12.1%
28 Mining Machine Crush 100 boulders 5 11.3%
29 Thriving Survive 20 days 1 11%
30 Plowman Place 10 farms 9 10%
31 Tragedy 11 10%
32 Trick or Rhino! Upgrade equipment +9 4 9.8%
33 Masterpiece Upgrade equipment +10 4 8.7%
34 Global Warming Cut down 500 trees 3 8.6%
35 One last... 4 6.6%
36 Become my companion Recruit a follower 0 6.6%
37 Dawn 9 6.6%
38 Executioner 4 6.6%
39 Vroom vroom Ride a vehicle 0 6.1%
40 Explorer Build 10 flags 3 5.4%
41 Unique grade Acquire unique equipment 0 4.7%
42 Torch Relay 2 4.2%
43 I've come to bargain Die 100 times 1 3.9%
44 Lacto Ovo Consume 50 vegetables and dairy products 1 3.3%
45 City in a garden Build 50 farms 4 3%
46 Battle ready Attach a coil to equipment 0 2.5%
47 Aim for the neck Hunt a giant zombie 0 2.3%
48 Toddle Clear main story with Normal difficulty 3 2.2%
49 Clothes make the man Apply a skin to equipment 0 2.1%
50 It's so hot Explore the desert 0 2.1%
51 I'm always angry Taking damage from Chemical Gas debuffs 0 1.7%
52 Butcher Kill 500 animals 1 1.7%
53 Gourmet 1 1.7%
54 Meatarian Consume 50 meats 2 1.6%
55 Diet 3 1.4%
56 It's so cold Explore the snowfield 0 1.3%
57 Rampaging rabbit 0 1.3%
58 Doping Test Obtain 6 Food Effects 0 1%
59 Adventure Explore all areas 0 1%
60 Halfway there Reach level 50 0 0.8%
61 Hercules 0 0.8%
62 Long journey 0 0.7%
63 Rat Race Clear main story with Multiplayer 1 0.6%
64 One month later Survive 30 days 0 0.6%
65 I Am Legend Clear main story with Legend difficulty 2 0.5%
66 Faster! Upgrade armored vehicle 0 0.5%
67 Sniper duel Attack a Crossbow Hunter Zombie with a crossbow 0 0.5%
68 Expert Survive 40 days 0 0.4%
69 Hardcore Clear main story with Hardcore mode 1 0.4%
70 Killing Spree Kill 50 other players 1 0.4%
71 Apex predator 0 0.4%
72 Terrorist Destroy 100 buildings 1 0.3%
73 Zoophilist 1 0.3%
74 Walking encyclopedia 0 0.3%
75 Veteran Survive 50 days 0 0.2%
76 Automated factory Build 10 drone stations 0 0.2%
77 Millionaire 0 0.2%
78 NOTD's moving castle 0 0.1%
79 Limit 0 0%
80 Aquarium Build 10 fish tank 0 0%
81 A tons of paper Cut down 10 trees 0 0%
82 Metaterian Only consume meat until escape 0 0%