GrubDash Driver: Food Delivery Driver Simulator
Rank: 42556 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 1658450
Typ: game
Plattformen: Windows
Release Date: 2022-03-23

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 0 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 0
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 0 / 75

Aktueller Preis: 7.79€
Niedrigster Preis: 3.89€

1 Spieler*
0 Spieler online

Mostly Positive
70% Positive Reviews
7 Positive Reviews
3 Negative Reviews

It’s the year 2020. A mysterious, unknown event has decimated the economy and the only source of income that remains is delivering food. Open the GrubDash game and start delivering now!

75 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Delivery Driver T1 Complete 1 delivery 0 78.5%
2 Wear and Tear T1 Crash into 25 objects in one driving section 0 63.8%
3 Explorer T1 Visit 4 new areas 0 62.3%
4 Catching in the Rye T1 Catch 12 items in one session of the Freshness Game v2 0 60.7%
5 Road Rage T1 Crash into 50 total obstacles 0 55.4%
6 Freshness Game v2 T1 Catch 25 items in the Freshness Game v2 0 38.2%
7 Explorer T2 Visit 6 new areas 0 35.6%
8 Delivery Driver T2 Complete 5 deliveries 0 35.6%
9 Perfect Address Find the correct delivery address on the first attempt 0 35.6%
10 Catching in the Rye T2 Catch 18 items in one session of the Freshness Game v2 0 33.5%
11 You Should Smile More T1 Talk to 4 different individuals 0 31.4%
12 Hidden Items T1 Find 1 hidden item 0 30.8%
13 Explorer T3 Visit 7 new areas 0 28.7%
14 Freshness Chain T1 Completes 4 rounds of the Freshness Game in one session 0 28.2%
15 Land Novice Purchase 1 plot of land 0 26.7%
16 Road Rage T2 Crash into 150 total obstacles 0 26.7%
17 Lucky Draw Found the best result in the Freshness Game v3 0 25.6%
18 Delivery Driver T3 Complete 10 deliveries 0 23.5%
19 Freshness Game v1 T1 Complete the Freshness Game 10 times 0 23.5%
20 Freshness Game v2 T2 Catch 75 items in the Freshness Game v2 0 21.4%
21 Decorations T1 Purchase 1 house item 0 18.3%
22 Explorer T4 Visit 8 new areas 0 17.8%
23 Catching in the Rye T3 Catch 24 items in one session of the Freshness Game v2 0 17.2%
24 You Should Smile More T2 Talk to 8 different individuals 0 16.7%
25 Dealership T1 Obtain 2 vehicles 0 15.7%
26 Road Rage T3 Crash into 300 total obstacles 0 14.1%
27 Freshness Game v1 T2 Complete the Freshness Game 20 times 0 14.1%
28 Hidden Items T2 Find 5 hidden items 0 11.5%
29 Freshness Chain T2 Completes 5 rounds of the Freshness Game in one session 0 11.5%
30 Delivery Driver T4 Complete 25 deliveries 0 10.9%
31 Good Stats Purchase 1 of each character upgrade 0 9.9%
32 The Perfect Delivery Complete a perfect delivery 0 9.9%
33 Keeping up with the Jones T1 Upgrade your house once 0 8.9%
34 Freshness Game v2 T3 Catch 150 items in the Freshness Game v2 0 8.9%
35 Dealership T2 Obtain 4 vehicles 0 8.3%
36 Wear and Tear T2 Crash into 50 objects in one driving section 0 7.8%
37 Delivery Driver T5 Complete 50 deliveries 0 6.8%
38 Responsible Citizen Pay your credit card debt down to zero 0 6.8%
39 Road Rage T4 Crash into 500 total obstacles 0 6.2%
40 You Should Smile More T3 Talk to 15 different individuals 0 5.7%
41 Freshness Game v1 T3 Complete the Freshness Game 50 times 0 5.2%
42 Decorations T2 Purchase 5 house items 0 5.2%
43 Freshness Chain T3 Completes 6 rounds of the Freshness Game in one session 0 5.2%
44 Freshness Game v2 T4 Catch 300 items in the Freshness Game v2 0 5.2%
45 Good Delivery Stats Purchase 1 of each delivery upgrade 0 4.7%
46 Hidden Items T3 Find 15 hidden items 0 4.1%
47 Keeping up with the Jones T2 Upgrade your house twice 0 3.6%
48 Decorations T3 Purchase 10 house items 0 3.1%
49 You Should Smile More T4 Talk to 30 different individuals 0 2.6%
50 Land Beginner Purchase 9 plots of land 0 2.6%
51 The Learned Elite Max out the education stat 0 2.6%
52 Hidden Items T4 Find 25 hidden items 0 2.6%
53 Dealership T3 Obtain 8 vehicles 0 2.6%
54 Company President Buy one of each business for your neighborhood 0 2.6%
55 Great Stats Purchase all character upgrades 0 2.6%
56 Delivery Driver T6 Complete 100 deliveries 0 2%
57 Freshness Game v1 T4 Complete the Freshness Game 100 times 0 2%
58 Decorations T4 Purchase 25 house items 0 2%
59 Perfect Driver Complete a driving section without hitting an obstacle 0 2%
60 Land Intermediate Purchase 18 plots of land 0 1.5%
61 Land Expert Purchase 27 plots of land 0 1.5%
62 Dealership T4 Obtain 12 vehicles 0 1.5%
63 Dealership T5 Obtain 16 vehicles 0 1.5%
64 Decorations T5 Purchase 50 house items 0 1.5%
65 Land Master Purchase 36 plots of land 0 1%
66 Land Lord Purchase 45 plots of land 0 1%
67 A Game With Thrones Purchase all toilets 0 1%
68 Dealership T6 Obtain 20 vehicles 0 1%
69 Delivery Wagon Fully upgrade a vehicle 0 1%
70 GrubDash Driver Complete all life milestones 0 0.5%
71 Top Groober Become a Top Groober 0 0.5%
72 Wear and Tear T3 Crash into 100 objects in one driving section 0 0.5%
73 Perfect Rating Obtain a 5.00 customer rating 0 0.5%
74 Delivery Driver T7 Complete 250 deliveries 0 0%
75 Great Delivery Stats Purchase all delivery upgrades 0 0%