Arrival of Beasts
Rank: 42556 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 1943740
Typ: game
Plattformen: Windows
Release Date: 2023-11-26

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 0 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 0
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 0 / 100

Aktueller Preis: 13.79€
Niedrigster Preis: 9.65€

3 Spieler*
1 Spieler online

98% Positive Reviews
40 Positive Reviews
1 Negative Reviews

Discover one of the hardest tower defense games with strategic elements, individual gameplay and challenging mechanics. Play together with your friends in co-op mode, create a team and compete with other players in the online ranking.

100 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Individualization Open optionsmenu 0 95%
2 Profession started First Beastkill 0 89.6%
3 Are those stones? First Skillpoints 0 81.9%
4 First progress Reach profile level 2 0 80%
5 Is this art? First Bosskill 0 76.1%
6 Time to specialize First levelpoint 0 73.8%
7 Never give up Lose first tower 0 66.9%
8 360° No Scope 0 59.6%
9 Flawless Inspect trophyroom 0 55%
10 Educational mission Inspect beastcards 0 54.2%
11 I´ll take this path.. & you? Choose your first path (eco,mili,sience) 0 49.6%
12 Dark magician Use your first cast with your player 0 49.2%
13 Good student Win the tutorial 0 48.4%
14 Game rules Read the core mechs 0 47.6%
15 Your playstyle Unlock first skill on skillstar 0 47.3%
16 Mine technician Gather first rubonium 0 46.9%
17 Fight officer Build a powerup 0 43.8%
18 Sometimes you lose and sometimes the others win. First three defeats 0 43%
19 Without amnestryth, you´ll lose the fight Gather first amnestryth 0 43%
20 Farmer Build a skillreactor 0 42.3%
21 Chemist Build a modulfactory 0 40.3%
22 Competitors never sleeps Open leaderboard with more than >0 prestige points 0 38.8%
23 Accept the fate Restart a match 0 37.6%
24 1 out of 8 First crafted module 0 36.5%
25 What else awaits me? Win >= 5 random maps 0 34.2%
26 Self study Open instructionsmenu 0 33.8%
27 That´s all mine Collect your first supportbox 0 31.5%
28 Beginner >= 5.000 Beastkills 0 28.4%
29 Teamplayer Join a team and play with others 0 28.4%
30 Compulsion to collect Collect empty box 0 25.7%
31 No resistance >= 25 Bosskills 0 23.8%
32 Cheers to science Level up your first module 0 23%
33 Light pain >= 10 defeats in complete 0 22.6%
34 Big Farmer Build a skillmine 0 22.6%
35 Good mate Inspect a team mate 0 22.3%
36 Slot machine Convert >5 skillpoints 0 22.3%
37 You´ll need this… probably. Object shop get first mysth object 0 21.9%
38 Strenght from heaven Kill a boss with a comet 0 21.5%
39 For the environment Recycle your first modules 0 20.3%
40 Who would like that? Object shop get only bronce objects 0 18%
41 Money saver >100 Skillpoints 0 18%
42 Combinator Combine your first module 0 18%
43 It´s beginning… >= 10 object rolls 0 17.6%
44 The beasts can arrive now Equip eight objects to your base 0 17.6%
45 Power of bullets Buy all upgrades on maintower 0 17.6%
46 Kickstarter Team Reach team prestige rank 1 0 16.9%
47 Just… why? Get defeated without killing a single beast 0 16.5%
48 Better safe than sorry >250 Skillpoints 0 16.5%
49 Hidden strenght Upgrade an object to max 3 stars 0 16.1%
50 Professional dealer Convert >25 skillpoints 0 16.1%
51 Real supporter Play the credits COMPLETELY 0 15.7%
52 Environment supporter Sell an object 0 15.3%
53 Nice feeling Reach profile level 40 0 14.2%
54 Woodclass Reach prestige rank 1 0 14.2%
55 Great surprise Reach >40 profile levels 0 13.8%
56 Nerve thrill Win >= 30 random maps 0 13.4%
57 Experienced >= 50.000 Beastkills 0 13%
58 Until the game crashs Reach a higher wave on endless mode 0 12.6%
59 First Team successes Reach team prestige rank 2 0 12.6%
60 Angry investor Invest into teamboost military 0 12.3%
61 Greedy investor Invest into teamboost economy 0 12.3%
62 You must be rich Full inventory of objects 0 12.3%
63 Here we go again… Finish Run 1 0 11.9%
64 Has it always been this simple? Get a victory without a single building 0 11.5%
65 Take it all Unlock complete skillstar 0 11.1%
66 Smart investor Invest into teamboost science 0 11.1%
67 Small effort Get a victory without towers 0 11.1%
68 I am special Victory on temple map on last path 0 11.1%
69 Discover new strategies Unlock prestige item shop 0 10.7%
70 Ironhead Reach prestige rank 2 0 10.7%
71 New tactic Use first prestige item 0 10%
72 Gambler >= 50 object rolls 0 9.6%
73 Small hurdle >= 250 Bosskills 0 9.2%
74 For safety´s sake Trigger all four effects on one beast (stun,ice,fire,poinson) 0 9.2%
75 Together against all Reach team prestige rank 3 0 8.8%
76 Conversion genius Convert >75 skillpoints 0 8.4%
77 Let´s see what´s coming… >= 25 prestige item rolls 0 8.4%
78 It´s worth it Win >= 80 random maps 0 8%
79 Silver collector Reach prestige rank 3 0 7.3%
80 1+1 = 2 Finish Run 2 0 6.9%
81 Strong unite Reach team prestige rank 4 0 6.9%
82 Unleashed power Maximise all three pathes 0 6.5%
83 Gold player Reach prestige rank 4 0 6.5%
84 That was the hell… Finish run with all challenge modes done on all maps 0 6.5%
85 Mechanic player Victory on temple map on first path 0 6.5%
86 I need better stuff >= 125 prestige item rolls 0 6.1%
87 How often…? >= 250 object rolls 0 5.3%
88 Not that easy Finish run with all stars on all maps 0 5.3%
89 The best Finish run with everything done on all maps 0 5.3%
90 Not that easy >= 2500 Bosskills 0 5%
91 It´s an addiction >= 350 prestige item rolls 0 5%
92 Divine player Reach prestige rank 5 0 5%
93 Specialist >= 500.000 Beastkills 0 4.2%
94 I can´t get enough Finish Run 5 0 3.8%
95 Immortal player Reach prestige rank 6 0 3.8%
96 I know them all Win >= 200 random maps 0 3.8%
97 Strong pain >= 100 defeats in complete 0 3.4%
98 Divine Origin >= 1.000.000 Beastkills 0 2.3%
99 No one stops us Reach team prestige rank 5 0 2.3%
100 Together indestructible Reach team prestige rank 6 0 2.3%