Card Hunter
Rank: 1387 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 293260
Typ: game
Entwickler: The Knights of Unity
Publisher: The Knights of Unity
Plattformen: Windows Mac
Release Date: 2015-07-13

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 3141 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 717
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 2 / 50

Aktueller Preis: 0€
Niedrigster Preis: 0€

351 Spieler*
40 Spieler online

Very Positive
86% Positive Reviews
4389 Positive Reviews
728 Negative Reviews

Shuffle your cards and ready your dice - Card Hunter is a fresh new card gaming spin on classic tabletop RPGs. Battle your way through a massive campaign solo or with friends and compete with other players in ranked play and tournaments.

50 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Adventurer Save Ommlet from the Kobolds 140 64.7%
2 Collector Collect one legendary item 56 24.8%
3 Ally Complete an adventure cooperatively 47 17.5%
4 Slayer of Melvelous Defeat Melvelous the Magnificent 33 14.5%
5 Rookie Win one ranked MP game 29 12.9%
6 Fairy Finder Find the Loot Fairy 28 12.8%
7 Defender of Woodhome Defend Woodhome from the undead 31 12.2%
8 Bounty Hunter Find the Hidden Bandit 30 12%
9 Soldier Get MP rating to 500 12 4.6%
10 Cardstock Attendee Complete the campaign 15 4.3%
11 Veteran Complete all campaign adventures 15 3.9%
12 Warrior Get MP rating to 800 10 3.1%
13 Apprentice Win 10 ranked MP games 10 3%
14 Questor Complete a quest 14 3%
15 Squire Get MP rating to 1000 9 2%
16 Servus Win one league game 9 2%
17 Treasure Hunter Complete all Basic Edition treasure hunts 9 1.6%
18 Knight Get MP rating to 1100 8 1.5%
19 BFF Complete the campaign cooperatively 8 1.5%
20 Baron Get MP rating to 1200 8 1.3%
21 Novicius Win 10 league games 9 1.3%
22 Journeyman Win 100 ranked MP games 7 1.3%
23 Hacker Complete Expedition to the Sky Citadel 8 1.3%
24 Count Get MP rating to 1300 7 1.2%
25 Master of Artifacts Complete Attack of the Artifacts 9 1.2%
26 Marquis Get MP rating to 1400 6 1.1%
27 Duke Get MP rating to 1500 6 1.1%
28 Palus Win 100 league games 7 1.1%
29 Intern Complete Acquisitions Incoporated 6 1.1%
30 Rare Artifact Collector Collect all AotA rares 7 1.1%
31 Common Collector Collect all base set commons 8 1.1%
32 Rare Cyber Collector Collect all Citadel rares 7 1.1%
33 Prince Get MP rating to 1600 6 1%
34 King Get MP rating to 1700 6 1%
35 Emperor Get MP rating to 1800 6 1%
36 Primus Palus Win 1000 league games 6 1%
37 Master Win 1000 ranked MP games 6 1%
38 Epic Artifact Collector Collect all AotA epics 6 1%
39 Epic Collector Collect all base set epics 6 1%
40 Rare Collector Collect all base set rares 7 1%
41 Epic Cyber Collector Collect all Citadel epics 6 1%
42 Uncommon Collector Collect all base set uncommons 7 1%
43 Legendary Artifact Collector Collect all AotA legendaries 6 1%
44 Legendary Collector Collect all base set legendaries 6 1%
45 Legendary Cyber Collector Collect all Citadel legendaries 6 1%
46 Artifact Aristocrat Complete all AotA quests 6 1%
47 Knight Errant Complete all campaign quests 6 1%
48 Cyber Punk Complete all Citadel quests 6 1%
49 Manager Complete AI hard mode 6 0.8%
50 Franchisee Complete all AI quests 5 0.8%