Guild Quest
Rank: 2156 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 547680
Typ: game
Entwickler: Hyper Hippo Games
Publisher: Hyper Hippo Games
Plattformen: Windows Mac
Release Date: 2017-01-26

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 1564 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 2964
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 16 / 104

Aktueller Preis: 0€
Niedrigster Preis: 0€

190 Spieler*
4 Spieler online

66% Positive Reviews
1147 Positive Reviews
579 Negative Reviews

You’ve just bought yourself a new island and it’s time to fill it up with QUESTS! Collect guildians, upgrade their guildhalls, and unleash them onto your own custom quest lines.

104 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Build Bunny Island Fill all empty spaces with quests on Bunny Island. 119 82.5%
2 Max Bunny Quests Maxed all built quests on Bunny Island. 118 77.4%
3 Level 10 Reach level 10. 113 72%
4 Complete Bunny Island All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded on Bunny Island. 109 70.6%
5 First Million Have one million gold in your bank. 93 56.8%
6 Build Emerald Island Fill all empty spaces with quests on Emerald Island. 94 54.6%
7 Level 25 Reach level 25. 89 49.6%
8 Max Emerald Quests Maxed all built quests on Emerald Island. 81 43.7%
9 Build Westacre Fill all empty spaces with quests in Westacre. 80 42.2%
10 Level 50 Reach level 50. 66 36.3%
11 First Billion Have one BILLION gold in your bank. 68 35.1%
12 Stalwart Bunny Island Max Bunny Island on Stalwart Difficulty 71 34.5%
13 Max Westacre Quests Maxed all built quests in Westacre. 70 32.6%
14 Build Ashfield Fill all empty spaces with quests in Ashfield. 60 26.7%
15 Level 100 Reach level 100. 49 22.7%
16 Build Bayport Fill all empty quests in Bayport. 47 21.9%
17 Hardy Bunny Island Max Bunny Island on Hardy Difficulty 47 19.3%
18 Max Ashfield Quests Maxed all built quests in Ashfield. 50 19.2%
19 Complete Emerald Island All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded on Emerald Island. 40 16.3%
20 Max Bayport Quests Maxed all built quests in Bayport. 39 15.6%
21 Brawny Bunny Island Max Bunny Island on Brawny Difficulty 37 14%
22 Built Shadeshore Fill all empty quests in Shadeshore. 32 13.7%
23 Complete Westacre All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Westacre. 44 13.7%
24 5 Rare Cards Collect 5 rare cards! 30 11.8%
25 Mighty Bunny Island Max Bunny Island on Mighty Difficulty 32 11.4%
26 Stalwart Emerald Island Max Emerald Island on Stalwart Difficulty 30 10.8%
27 Complete Ashfield All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Ashfield. 31 10.5%
28 Supreme Bunny Island Max Bunny Island on Supreme Difficulty 30 9.9%
29 Build Dellmere Fill all empty quests in Dellmere. 27 9.3%
30 Level 200 Reached level 200 29 8.7%
31 Stalwart Westacre Max Westacre on Stalwart Difficulty 30 8.4%
32 Max Shadeshore Quests Maxed all built quests in Shadeshore. 27 7.8%
33 Build Hollowkeep Fill all empty quests in Hollowkeep. 24 7.7%
34 20 Rare Cards Collect 20 rare cards! 22 7.6%
35 Hardy Emerald Island Max Emerald Island on Hardy Difficulty 26 7.6%
36 Build Whiteburn Fill all empty quests in Whiteburn. 22 7.2%
37 Complete Bayport All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Bayport. 28 7.1%
38 Stalwart Ashfield Max Ashfield on Stalwart Difficulty 22 6.6%
39 Hardy Westacre Max Westacre on Hardy Difficulty 26 6.5%
40 Brawny Emerald Island Max Emerald Island on Brawny Difficulty 20 6%
41 Max Dellmere Quests Maxed all built quests in Dellmere. 20 5.6%
42 Brawny Westacre Max Westacre on Brawny Difficulty 23 5.5%
43 Hardy Ashfield Max Ashfield on Hardy Difficulty 20 5.4%
44 Level 300 Reached level 300 19 5.4%
45 Complete Shadeshore All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Shadeshore. 24 5.3%
46 Stalwart Bayport Max Bayport on Stalwart Difficulty 23 5.2%
47 Mighty Emerald Island Max Emerald Island on Mighty Difficulty 19 5.2%
48 Mighty Westacre Max Westacre on Mighty Difficulty 21 4.9%
49 Brawny Ashfield Max Ashfield on Brawny Difficulty 19 4.7%
50 Build Icevale Fill all empty quests in Icevale. 18 4.7%
51 Max Hollowkeep Quests Maxed all built quests in Hollowkeep. 19 4.7%
52 Supreme Emerald Island Max Emerald Island on Supreme Difficulty 18 4.6%
53 Hardy Bayport Max Bayport on Hardy Difficulty 22 4.4%
54 Supreme Westacre Max Westacre on Supreme Difficulty 18 4.4%
55 Complete Dellmere All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Dellmere. 20 4.3%
56 Max Whiteburn Quests Maxed all built quests in Whiteburn. 19 4.3%
57 Mighty Ashfield Max Ashfield on Mighty Difficulty 18 4.2%
58 Level 400 Reached level 400 16 4%
59 Brawny Bayport Max Bayport on Brawny Difficulty 18 3.8%
60 Stalwart Shadeshore Max Shadeshore on Stalwart Difficulty 21 3.8%
61 Complete Hollowkeep All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Hollowkeep. 19 3.8%
62 Supreme Ashfield Max Ashfield on Supreme Difficulty 17 3.7%
63 Build Crgydogery Fill all empty quests in Crgydogery 14 3.7%
64 Mighty Bayport Max Bayport on Mighty Difficulty 16 3.4%
65 Hardy Shadeshore Max Shadeshore on Hardy Difficulty 18 3.3%
66 Stalwart Dellmere Max Dellmere on Stalwart Difficulty 16 3.3%
67 Complete Whiteburn All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Whiteburn. 19 3.2%
68 Max Icevale Quests Maxed all built quests in Icevale. 17 3.1%
69 Supreme Bayport Max Bayport on Supreme Difficulty 14 3%
70 Hardy Dellmere Max Dellmere on Hardy Difficulty 15 2.9%
71 Brawny Shadeshore Max Shadeshore on Brawny Difficulty 15 2.9%
72 Stalwart Hollowkeep Max Hollowkeep on Stalwart Difficulty 14 2.9%
73 Brawny Dellmere Max Dellmere on Brawny Difficulty 13 2.6%
74 Mighty Shadeshore Max Shadeshore on Mighty Difficulty 12 2.6%
75 Max Crgydogery Quests Maxed all built quests in Crgydogery. 13 2.6%
76 Hardy Hollowkeep Max Hollowkeep on Hardy Difficulty 11 2.5%
77 Mighty Dellmere Max Dellmere on Mighty Difficulty 13 2.4%
78 Supreme Shadeshore Max Shadeshore on Supreme Difficulty 12 2.4%
79 Brawny Hollowkeep Max Hollowkeep on Brawny Difficulty 10 2.3%
80 Stalwart Whiteburn Max Whiteburn on Stalwart Difficulty 14 2.3%
81 Complete Icevale All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Icevale. 17 2.3%
82 Complete Crgydogery All quests and Guildhalls fully upgraded in Crgydogery. 13 2.3%
83 Level 500 Reached level 500 10 2.2%
84 Supreme Dellmere Max Dellmere on Supreme Difficulty 10 2.2%
85 Mighty Hollowkeep Max Hollowkeep on Mighty Difficulty 10 2.2%
86 Hardy Whiteburn Max Whiteburn on Hardy Difficulty 11 2.1%
87 Supreme Hollowkeep Max Hollowkeep on Supreme Difficulty 10 2.1%
88 Brawny Whiteburn Max Whiteburn on Brawny Difficulty 10 1.9%
89 Stalwart Icevale Max Icevale on Stalwart Difficulty 10 1.9%
90 Stalwart Crgydogery Max Crgydogery on Stalwart Difficulty 8 1.9%
91 Mighty Whiteburn Max Whiteburn on Mighty Difficulty 10 1.8%
92 Supreme Whiteburn Max Whiteburn on Supreme Difficulty 9 1.8%
93 Hardy Icevale Max Icevale on Hardy Difficulty 9 1.7%
94 Hardy Crgydogery Max Crgydogery on Hardy Difficulty 8 1.7%
95 Level 600 Reached level 600 9 1.7%
96 Brawny Icevale Max Icevale on Brawny Difficulty 9 1.6%
97 Brawny Crgydogery Max Crgydogery on Brawny Difficulty 8 1.6%
98 Mighty Icevale Max Icevale on Mighty Difficulty 9 1.6%
99 Mighty Crgydogery Max Crgydogery on Mighty Difficulty 8 1.6%
100 Supreme Icevale Max Icevale on Supreme Difficulty 9 1.5%
101 Supreme Crgydogery Max Crgydogery on Supreme Difficulty 8 1.5%
102 Forge an Epic Card Forge four cards into an Epic Card 4 0%
103 Forge a Rare Card Forge four cards into a Rare Card 6 0%
104 Forge an Uncommon Card Forge four cards into an Uncommon Card 6 0%