VERSUS: The Elite Trials
Rank: 42556 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 568610
Typ: game
Entwickler: Choice of Games
Publisher: Choice of Games
Plattformen: Windows Mac Linux
Release Date: 2016-12-16

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 0 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 0
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 0 / 85

Aktueller Preis: 4.99€
Niedrigster Preis: 2.46€

7 Spieler*
0 Spieler online

88% Positive Reviews
29 Positive Reviews
4 Negative Reviews

Will you infiltrate the gods' Elite Courte, stealing their superpowers, or turn double agent and join them, taking your place among the divine?

85 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Tech Apprentice Absorb Skill: Tech Apprentice 0 79.4%
2 Achieved 40 Mastery Achieve 40 Mastery 0 64%
3 FourPath Splinter B Wone FourPath B 0 53.8%
4 Massive Growth Top Secret 0 51.1%
5 Echelon Protocol_3 0 50.4%
6 MamaNa's Agenda Unconver MamaNa's Potential Hidden Agenda 0 50.4%
7 Energy Apprentice Absorb Skill: Energy Apprentice 0 49.3%
8 Trial Misfire Learn About First Trial At Brunch 0 47.1%
9 Utopian Planet Creashon Wave Planetary Possibility 2 0 46.4%
10 Reflection Hidden Unsure of Belief in Priscan Reflectionism 0 43.7%
11 Alias Detective Choose Secret Alias: Detective 0 43.1%
12 Achieved 50 Mastery Achieve 50 Mastery 0 41.3%
13 Reflection Shattered Maintain Disbelief in Priscan Reflectionism 0 40.3%
14 Anything But Ordinary Learn About Ord Coup Members At Brunch 0 39.9%
15 First Trial Placement Place First in Trial One 0 38.3%
16 Versus Match C Top Secret 0 38.1%
17 New World Order B Top Secret 0 38.1%
18 Truly Educated Achieve High Educate Level 0 36.4%
19 Alias: Bronze Lose The Game Of Alias 0 34.8%
20 Alias Assassin Choose Secret Alias: Assassin 0 33.8%
21 Echelon Protocol_7 0 33.2%
22 Fully Free Achieve High Freedom Level 0 32.6%
23 Alias: Silver Place Second In The Game of Alias 0 31%
24 New World Order A Top Secret 0 30.9%
25 Only Oli Choose Oli Romantic Path 0 30.2%
26 MamaNa Assuaged Assuage MamaNa's Political Fears 0 29.9%
27 Echelon Protocol_6 0 29.8%
28 Strength Apprentice Absorb Skill: Strength Apprentice 0 28%
29 Within The Fold Secret Abolishionist Path 0 25.9%
30 Echelon Protocol_5 0 25.8%
31 Versus Match B Top Secret 0 25.6%
32 Independent Party Remain As Neutral As Possible 0 25.5%
33 The Protector Enter The Protector Creashon Channel 0 24%
34 Re-Abilitative High Abilities Level 0 23.8%
35 Tech Novice Absorb Skill: Tech Novice 0 23.7%
36 Concubines Abound New Lady Venuma Romance? 0 23.1%
37 Room To Grow Top Secret 0 22.5%
38 FourPath Splinter D Wone FourPath D 0 22.5%
39 The Sovereign Enter The Sovereign Creashon Channel 0 22%
40 Echelon Protocol_1 0 21.3%
41 The Champion Enter The Champion Creashon Channel 0 20.8%
42 Coup Clue Uncovered Coup Member 0 20.2%
43 Alias: Gold Win The Game Of Alias 0 19.5%
44 The Alchemist Enter The Alchemist Creashon Channel 0 19.5%
45 Echelon Protocol_9 0 18%
46 The Artist Enter The Artist Creashon Channel 0 16%
47 Worthy Of Trust Achieve High Trustworthy Level 0 14.6%
48 Easy Breezy Choose Breeze Romantic Path 0 14.3%
49 Double Thruple Choose Lady Venuma & Breeze Thruple Romantic Path 0 14.3%
50 Weaponizer High Weapons Level 0 13.9%
51 FourPath Splinter C Wone FourPath C 0 13.3%
52 Echelon Protocol_8 0 12.7%
53 Bond, Coup Bond Establish Ties Within Coup 0 12.1%
54 Correctional Planet Creashon Wave Planetary Possibility 6 0 11.1%
55 Win, Join Win Trials To Join The Elite Courte 0 10.6%
56 Venuma In My Veins Choose Lady Venuma Romantic Path 0 10.4%
57 I Spy Become Coup Spy Within Elite 0 10.4%
58 Vigilante Planet Creashon Wave Planetary Possibility 5 0 10.2%
59 Alternate Ending: Fiery Fate Learn The Identity Of The Creashon You Once Met 0 9.6%
60 Command Apprentice Absorb Skill: Command Apprentice 0 9.6%
61 Civil Rights Planet Creashon Wave Planetary Possibility 1 0 9.5%
62 Classified Planet Creashon Wave Planetary Possibility 4 0 8.9%
63 Versus Match A Top Secret 0 8.9%
64 MamaNa Threatened Threaten MamaNa's Political Aspirations 0 8.2%
65 Reflection Shows Maintain Belief in Priscan Reflectionism 0 7.9%
66 Echelon Protocol_2 0 7.7%
67 FourPath Splinter A Wone FourPath A 0 7.5%
68 Achieved 60 Mastery Achieve 60 Mastery 0 7.3%
69 Double Duty Become Elite Double Agent Within Coup 0 7.1%
70 Energy Novice Absorb Skill: Energy Novice 0 6.9%
71 Calculations Correct Achieve High Calculating Level 0 6.1%
72 Up For Lockdown Choose Lockdown Romantic Path 0 5.8%
73 Strength Novice Absorb Skill: Strength Novice 0 5.7%
74 Fully Secure Achieve High Security Level 0 5.5%
75 Echelon Protocol_4 0 5.2%
76 Out Here On My Own Choose No Romantic Path 0 4.9%
77 Contemplation Nation Achieve High Contemplative Level 0 4.7%
78 Speaking Out Achieve High Outspoken Level 0 4.3%
79 OtherBoarding Choose OtherBoard Romantic Path 0 4.2%
80 Forever Everly Choose Prince Everly Romantic Path 0 2.9%
81 Rebound Planet Creashon Wave Planetary Possibility 3 0 2.5%
82 Tinkering With Gadgets Choose Cadet Gadget Romantic Path 0 2.4%
83 Budding Baron Choose Baron Airon Path 0 2.1%
84 Truly Enlightened Achieve High Enlighten Level 0 1.9%
85 Echelon Protocol_Acess 0 0.9%