祭品的逆襲 The Counterattack Of Sacrifice

Rank: 35892 von 92357 Spielen

AppID: 979580
Typ: game
Entwickler: 戴永翔(Dai Yong Xiang)
Publisher: alex94i60
Plattformen: Windows
Release Date: 2019-04-21

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 0 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 1
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 0 / 15

Aktueller Preis: 3.99€
Niedrigster Preis: 1.09€

6 Spieler*
0 Spieler online

89% Positive Reviews
16 Positive Reviews
2 Negative Reviews

Horror adventure game, the scene combines Western and Eastern elements, content tends to be scary, dark, weird, and exotic, player will control an ordinary man and help him escape from a strange village controlled by a cult.

15 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 無法挽回的決定(Unrecoverable decision) 無法挽回的決定 1 86.9%
2 回憶錄(Memoir) 令人難忘的旅程(Unforgettable journey) 0 55.9%
3 逃離深淵(Escape from the abyss) 逃離深淵 0 48.2%
4 逃離恐懼的追擊(Escape from fear chasing) 逃離恐懼的追擊 0 30.9%
5 彩蛋一:地下城的歷史(Easter Egg One:History of underground cities) 過去的繁華,如今的煉獄(The prosperity of the past, the purgatory of today) 0 29.7%
6 再度逃離恐懼的追擊(Escape from fear chasing again) 再度逃離恐懼的追擊 0 28.5%
7 崩潰(Collapse) 崩潰 0 28.5%
8 世外桃源 (Paradise) 世外桃源 0 27.3%
9 東方氣息(Oriental atmosphere) 東方氣息 0 26.1%
10 月光下(Under the Moonlight) 月光下 0 25.5%
11 神之居所(God's residence) 神之居所 0 25%
12 夢境&現實(Dream&Reality) 似曾相識的景象...(Like a familiar scene......) 0 24.4%
13 無處可逃(Nowhere to escape) 無處可逃 0 23.8%
14 彩蛋三:守舊派(Easter Egg Three:Conservative) 守護逐漸遭到遺忘的一切(Guarding everything that is gradually forgotten) 0 6.5%
15 永恆敖翔的大樹(Easter Egg Two:Eternal soar tree) 靈魂仍伴隨左右...(The soul is still around) 0 5.9%