Spellcaster University

Rank: 4536 von 92300 Spielen

AppID: 895620
Typ: game
Entwickler: Sneaky Yak Studio
Publisher: Sneaky Yak Studio|WhisperGames
Plattformen: Windows Mac
Release Date: 2021-06-15

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 536 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 485
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 2 / 20

Aktueller Preis: 20.99€
Niedrigster Preis: 10.49€

299 Spieler*
71 Spieler online

Very Positive
83% Positive Reviews
3055 Positive Reviews
613 Negative Reviews

Develop a prestigious university of mages. Build rooms, train your students, fight orcs, slay the bureaucrats, manage your budget... a director's life is not a quiet one.

20 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Teaching staff Have at least 10 teachers in your school. 53 78.6%
2 Uncontrollable Crowd Have at least 50 students. 47 73.5%
3 Glorious university Achieve a prestige of 100. 45 70.3%
4 The dark side Pay to draw 10 Shadow cards in the same game. 44 67.6%
5 For the alliance! Slay an orc. 40 60.4%
6 Loyal servant Achieve a reputation with the king of 100. 35 54.4%
7 Ooook Ooook Train at least 10 librarians during the same campaign. 34 53.7%
8 For the horde! Achieve a reputation with the orcs of 100. 25 48.9%
9 Ez Finish a level with all three objectives completed. 24 41.5%
10 The right way Use the power of the guidance counsellor to change a student's future. 25 40.5%
11 Hic sunt dracones Have 5 dragons of different colors. 22 37%
12 Money Money! To own 5000 gold pieces. 21 34.6%
13 The best of the best Train an archimage. 17 31.5%
14 A well organized university Having 5 different classes. 12 28.6%
15 Yum yum yum Have 5 different kitchen utensils. 10 21.5%
16 Victory! Win a campaign. 14 18.9%
17 Heretic! Have a reputation of -100 with the inquisition. 4 11.1%
18 Male or female? Discover if the turtle is a male or a female. 9 10.1%
19 Return of the druids Start Spellcaster University on the day of the Beltane festival. 3 3.5%
20 Always to victory Win a campaign in difficult mode. 1 2.2%