Keyhole Spy: Erotic Police
Rank: 19416 von 92294 Spielen

AppID: 961730
Release Date:

Spielzeit aller Spieler in der Datenbank: 11 Stunden
Erreichte Errungenschaften: 80
Durchschnittliche Errungenschaften pro Spieler: 3 / 38

Aktueller Preis: 0€
Niedrigster Preis: 0€

32 Spieler*
0 Spieler online

Mostly Negative
20% Positive Reviews
3 Positive Reviews
12 Negative Reviews

38 verfügbare Errungenschaften

1 Germaine Open Germaine Stein's case 3 54.7%
2 Leah Open Leah Patersson's case 3 33.7%
3 500 guns Collect 500 guns 3 27.1%
4 Martha Open Martha Smith's case 3 27.1%
5 500 handcuffs Collect 500 handcuffs 3 27%
6 500 walkie-talkies Collect 500 walkie-talkies 3 27%
7 500 police cars Collect 500 police cars 3 26.9%
8 500 magnifiers Collect 500 magnifiers 3 26.9%
9 500 siren lights Collect 500 siren lights 3 26.7%
10 500 bulletproof vests Collect 500 bulletproof vests 3 26.7%
11 500 police badges Collect 500 police badges 3 26.6%
12 500 bullets Collect 500 bullets 3 26.6%
13 500 stars Collect 500 stars 3 26.6%
14 Juanita Open Juanita Perez's case 3 24.2%
15 Andrea Open Andrea Willis' case 3 23.2%
16 Connoisseur of beauty Look at all girls in the gallery 3 22.3%
17 1000 bulletproof vests Collect 1000 bulletproof vests 2 14%
18 1000 bullets Collect 1000 bullets 2 14%
19 1000 magnifiers Collect 1000 magnifiers 2 14%
20 1000 guns Collect 1000 guns 2 13.9%
21 1000 siren lights Collect 1000 siren lights 2 13.9%
22 1000 stars Collect 1000 stars 2 13.9%
23 1000 police cars Collect 1000 police cars 2 13.8%
24 1000 police badges Collect 1000 police badges 2 13.7%
25 1000 walkie-talkies Collect 1000 walkie-talkies 2 13.7%
26 1000 handcuffs Collect 1000 handcuffs 2 13.5%
27 2000 police badges Collect 2000 police badges 1 10%
28 2000 bulletproof vests Collect 2000 bulletproof vests 1 10%
29 2000 bullets Collect 2000 bullets 1 10%
30 2000 walkie-talkies Collect 2000 walkie-talkies 1 10%
31 2000 police cars Collect 2000 police cars 1 10%
32 2000 stars Collect 2000 stars 1 10%
33 2000 magnifiers Collect 2000 magnifiers 1 10%
34 2000 guns Collect 2000 guns 1 9.9%
35 2000 siren lights Collect 2000 siren lights 1 9.9%
36 2000 handcuffs Collect 2000 handcuffs 1 9.9%
37 Expert Successfully complete 25 games 1 8.6%
38 Professional Successfully complete 50 games 1 8.1%